Saturday, November 8, 2008

We're really having a baby!

Immediately after getting off the plane from Charleston, we went to the OB for our first ultrasound! I am a pretty anxious person, but I don't think I have ever been this excited. It was truly an amazing experience to see our baby for the first time. We saw her (yes, it's a girl if you haven't heard) cross her legs, yawn and put her hands over her ears when the tech became too liberal pushing on my belly! I am still in a cloud that I am actually having a baby and now a daughter.....I get lost in my head just thinking about it! We are so excited and cannot wait for her arrival. We were able to get a DVD of the whole process and are happy to share it with you. To tell you the truth though, I wish we could have had a camera on Eric and I, because I am sure it was just as a entertaining. I cried and Eric sat there with his mouth open! It's about 4 minutes long (we had to shorten it from 15 minutes) and the tech labels everything for those of not sure what's being pointed out, parents-to-be to be included. Yeah, we're having a baby girl!!!!!

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